My friend’s E-book

Hello and sorry for a long silence, I had nothing to talk about. My channel is freezed, I have no time for shooting. However, I still have something new.

My friend launches a new info portal called “Cesta na Internetu” (Internet Road), it’s motivational infographics about social sites bussiness. They now published an e-book free of charge, you can download it here in PDF and EPUB format. The book has only 5 pages (it’s basically just a booklet), but it does contain important message and especially motivation for online bussiness.

Portal also has an Instagram profile, you can find it here: @cestanainternetu. You’ll also find motivational posts with infographics.

Sorry, only in Czech. As far as I know, English version isn’t planned yet. For now, the portal is aimed largely to local Czech trade.

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